Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Honeymoon locations

First night will be spent at the Wild Iris.
We will stay on Cyprus Island for about a week.
Then, we will be in Hawaii for 8 days (I am super excited about this one!)

Thank you cards

It took me awhile, but the thank you cards for bridal shower gifts have been sent. Thank you everyone for your support and good wishes!!!

Bouquet flowers?

Currently, I am trying to decide what type of flowers to use for my bouquet (I would like white flowers).  Here is a bouquet that I saw at the Seattle Wedding Expo.  If anyone would like to make suggestions, please do so.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wedding Venue: The Carriage Room

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This is where the reception will be held.  The carriage room will be decorated with purple table cloths, napkins and flowers.  There will also be additional purple decorations around the room.

Wedding Venue: The Grand Room

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AndreA & Kyle (8)
The wedding ceremony will be held in the grand room.  Kiss balls with purple ribbon will be used to decorate the end of each isle.

Wedding Venue: Front Entry

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The Invites!

We are now passing/mailing out the wedding invitations! We made them by hand. Faith helped with the design and purchase of supplies.  Kevin, Jacob and my parents all helped me and worked for about 3 hours to make 240 cards. Thanks for the help!

After the wedding shower...

I had my wedding shower in Mt. Vernon at my aunt's house on the 24th of March. There were about 20 people there! We had a great time!

This is a picture of my dinning room table at school and the pile of "thank you" letters I am working on. Halfway done!!

Making my veil!

The supplies for my veil! My roommate, Liz, is going to make it for me. Can't wait to see the finished product!

Wedding Location

The Grand Willow Inn